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Mass Liberation Project NV is a Nevada 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to ending mass incarceration and abolishing the criminal legal system as we know it. We are working toward this by focusing on the grassroots organizing capacity of directly-impacted people and their loved ones, including people who are formerly incarcerated, have a felony conviction, have a sentence of probation or parole or whose lives have been directly affected by the criminal legal system in other ways. Our programs of support include skills training, coaching, political education, organizing & electoral strategy and a fellowship program for new and emerging directly-impacted organizers.

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If you are interested in learning more about Mass Liberation Project NV, please visit their website.  You can find additional information about their programs, events, volunteer opportunities, and ways to donate.

Pictured: Jagada Chambers and Leslie Ann Turner (Mass Liberation Project NV Co-Directors)

Leslie Ann Turner is a community organizer, mother, UNLV alum, policy pusher, writer, and is the co-founder and current co-director of the Mass Liberation Project, Nevada. Leslie organizes through the philosophy of Black Liberation, which encourages people of the African Diaspora to discover a profound freedom to manifest one's destiny through centering spiritual development and a return to indigenous West African practices of healing. Mass Liberation has an emphasis on creating movement alliances across communities, while continuing to uplift people of color who are directly impacted by over-policing and mass incarceration. Leslie, her co-director, Jagada Chambers, and the Mass Liberation team work toward this this type of transformational liberation through a number of projects that bring social change. For example, Mass Liberation has bailed out dozens of mothers from jail under the Black Mama Bail Out program. This program goes beyond simply bailing people out of jail by following a participatory defense model, which helps mothers fight their own cases. Mass Liberation invests further in people’s lives by creating a sisterhood of women who are mutually committed to spiritual growth and healing from institutions historically shaped by ideas of white supremacy. Leslie’s work with Mass Liberation Project has spanned various communities in the state of Nevada, such as bailing out hundreds of activists wrongly arrested during peaceful protests. Whether it’s pushing to replace the district attorney, aiming to change laws that criminalize poverty, or working to enact through legislation that divests from the carceral system, Leslie centers the historic struggle for Black Liberation, which begets liberation for all.

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